She considers pole dancing to be one of her main circus disciplines, so there is no clear division between the fields for her. But when it comes to thinking, there is a difference in her relationship with pole dancing and circus. Since pole dancing for her is closely related to competitions and teaching, it's more of a mental challenge for her to not judge or think about the judgment of others when she creates a pole dance number.
Clara Orlando

Those who tell the stories rule the world
Clara Orlando is a gymnast, turned pole dancer, and full-time contemporary circus student at AFUK, Academy for Untamed Creativity, in Copenhagen. There must be something in these mystical northern winds, as we talked about enchanted forests, magic, and childhood wishes. We had a lot of fun, and I hope that you will enjoy our charming chat as much until there isn't more coming from this new link-up. Trust and believe that there will be more - magic.

I definitely believed and still believe in magic, although my definition of magic has changed slightly over the years. As a child, I was fascinated by the magical creatures of Swedish folklore (trolls, ghosts, fairies, and nymphs). I try to hold on to them, to believe in them, but the more cynical and rational adult side of me makes it hard. Still, I still find forests magical and believe in ghosts. Today I also see the magic in people, their actions, creations, and growth. PC: Fredrik Sellberg
Saturday's tales