20 paws rescue - be the diference

20 paws rescue - be the diference

The helping paw

Twenty Paws Rescue founders, Linda and Rachel, share one common objective and passion. Every day they battle an ongoing epidemic plaguing our streets, the abundance of forgotten homeless, abused and surrendered animals. Twenty Paws, a small rescue, is only able to bring their ambitious dreams to fruition with the help of an exceptional and dedicated team of volunteers, fosters, donors, and adopters. Tirelessly, the Twenty Paws team utilizes their boundless devotion to providing all Twenty Paws animals with warm and loving care until they find a forever home, including foster and veterinary care.

We talked to Rachel about the project that has become a real movement. And we strongly believe, everyone can make a difference in this world.

20 paws rescue - be the diference

LUPIT pole: What is the driving force behind your philanthropic efforts and why is it so important for you?
I started the rescue after looking for a second dog. Until then, I never knew just how desperate the situation for bully breeds was. Them being the voiceless victims of abuse, I felt a strong connection with them. I wanted their voices to finally be heard. Do them some sort of justice.

LUPIT pole: What was a significant challenge for you and how did you overcome it? 
A challenge is always funding. Our organization is entirely volunteer-run. So, all the money we raise goes to the animals. We provide all medical care for our animals, not just the basics. They need a hip replacement, done. They need rehabilitation training because someone abused them their whole life, done. They need hospice because we find they are terminal, done. However, all of this requires money. We are always challenged with new ways to raise it and keep people engaged.

LUPIT pole: Is there a story you’d like to share that stands out that touched your heart?
We rescued a mastiff from horrible conditions. She came to us overbred, about 50 lbs (she should have been 120), and covered in burns. This girl was a gentle giant. Sweet, loving, and just broken. Gayer our rehab, was 130lbs and ready to find her forever home, which she did.

We also saved a 3-month-old puppy with over 20 broken bones. She needed extensive medical care and multiple surgeries. Avery was a miracle at the beginning of our rescue. She taught us so much about the magic of rescue dogs and just how beautiful they are.

LUPIT pole: What message do you want to send out to people about contributing to causes that are bigger than themselves?
The smallest gesture makes a tremendous difference. You may thing sharing a story does nothing, but there is a ripple effect. Most miracles happen because of those clicks. Did you know $9 buys a dog a vaccine? So, if every one of your friends donated a dollar, think about how much we could do!





5. Our website at WWW.TWENTYPAWSRESCUE.COM and click on Donate Now.

You can use your credit card and PayPal here.
You can also participate through Lupit.

Use code 20paws and get 5% off every product.
10% of the sales will be donated to 20paws.

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