LUPIT pole
Oct 28 - 1 min read

About the project
Project title: LUPIT POLE e-business upgrade
Operation abbreviation: E-Lupit Pole
Description of the operation with purpose and objectives:
The operation "Upgrading the LUPIT POLE e-business" is co-financed by the public tender "E-BUSINESS 2019-2022", within the framework of actions:
Strengthening of competencies - training. The aim of the public tender under the Operational Program for the Implementation of the European Cohesion Policy is to improve the opportunities for SMEs to enter or expand into foreign markets by establishing or developing e-business and thus increase their international competitiveness. The project aims to support entry into global value chains and new markets and increase international competitiveness by co-financing eligible costs for the establishment or modernization of electronic business offices.
Duration of the operation:3.3.2022 – 31.10.2022
The co-financing of the measure amounts to 29.960,00 EUR
Link to the European Cohesion Policy page: https://www.eu-skladi.si/
"The investment is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund".